
PS – the letters I am attracted to it for obvious reasons and thought I would rename my travel blog PS as its much easier than barmatelliandfriends. I looked up what it officially means and as with the joys of the internet I can find offical versions that make it fit what I want it to say. My favourite was “an additional remark which provides further information on, or to, a sequel”. There is a lot of information and a constant stream of sequels and that’s the thing I like about PS the most, it’s that it’s a simple little way of saying – wait there’s more. There is something else to see or do or write about. A never ending post script. So PS we are off again on a new sequel but pps , if that’s even a thing, I wont change my blog name just yet because I do not know how so you will have to keep coming back here for now.

I wrote that on the first post of this Europe 2023 blog in Be careful what you wish for. “Your website has had a catastrophic failure” was the message I received when I went to do my blog last night. “Catastrophic” sounds real bad though doesn’t it. I don’t think there is much worse than that. So here i am in Crete trying to work out how to make a new blog site before I can even share. So wish me well.